Hotkeys are such a small thing but are so very awesome! Try to go a day without them and you will see what I mean. In this short post, I just want to share my two favorite hotkeys that will save you time! In return, I am hoping to hear about your favorite shortcuts.
Hotkey #1: Windows Key + A Number
You likely have some items pinned to your Taskbar. Each pinned program is automatically assigned a shortcut (Windows Key + a Number). Take the screenshot below. To launch Internet Explorer, I can press Windows + 1. Outlook is Windows + 2. And so on.
If the application is already opened, you can press the shortcut to make that screen active again. If you re-arrange your Taskbar, Windows will automatically reassign the shortcut to keep everything in order. The only downside is the shortcut only works for the primary monitor. This combined with Windows + X means I barely have to use a mouse to access most tools!
Hotkey #2: Quick Steps
I spend a lot of time in Outlook. My daily tasks are stored as reminders, projects are integrated from OneNote, and problems/tech requests arrive as emails. Like most of you, I have to reply to a ton of messages throughout the day!
Outlook 2013 allows you to create email templates. Think for a second about how many repetitive emails you type. In a single day, you might type helpdesk instructions, explain how to set the default printer, or show users how to change their resolution a dozen times. With quick steps, you can automate these emails down to a single hotkey (CTRL + SHIFT + a Number).
In the screenshot below, you will see my Quick Steps. By pressing CTRL + SHIRT + 1, a highlighted email is replied with “Thank you!” and deleted. CTRL + SHIFT + 3 will reply to an email with “Done!” and delete it.
If someone asks me how to set the default printer, I just click the “Set Default Printer” button at the top of Outlook. The staff member will get a step-by-step email explaining how to set/change their default printer. If a teacher wants know how to change the screen resolution, I have a button for that.
So those are my two favorite hotkeys! What are yours?