I have always been annoyed by the seven steps it takes to find a printer’s IP in the Printer Management MMC. I even reached out on TechNet about this and was told that it was a limitation of the MMC. For a long time, I would look at the extended view window to get the IP. Some printers show their IP when you use Extended View but many don’t.
With a bit of PowerShell, you can populate the Comment attribute with the IP address of the Printer. This script uses the Print Management module which was introduced on Windows 2012 servers. If you want to run it on Windows 8+, you just need to install the RSAT tools.
$PrintServer = "YOUR-PRINT-SERVER.DOMAIN.Local" $Printers = get-printer -ComputerName $PrintServer foreach ($Printer in $Printers){ Set-Printer -Name $Printer.name -ComputerName $PrintServer -Comment $Printer.PortName }
The only thing you will need to specify in this script is your print server name in line 1. Set this script to run on a regular basis so that your data is current. Finally, select the View button – Add/Remote Columns and add the Comment attribute to the Displayed columns row.
You can now see the printer’s IP in Print Management without any additional steps. If you are curious, you can read other printer management tips (including why you should set a location) here. If you have any other tips for printer management, let me know in the comments below.