I started looking for a streamlined way to perform routine Active Directory health checks. I stumbled across a PowerShell module, TestIMO, that is able to generate health check and best practice reports that look like this:
On the blog post linked above, the author just casually mentions another module that he wrote – one to automate Active Directory Documentation. This module, PSWinDocumentation.AD, when paired with an output module (that the author also wrote), can create HTML dashboard documentation that looks like:
Or fancy looking Word documents that look like:
Here is a super quick start guide to using both of these tools!
Get Started with the AD Health Check PowerShell Tool
In PowerShell, install the module from the PowerShell Gallery by running:
Install-Module TestIMO -scope CurrentUser
If this is your first time installing a PowerShell module this way, you’ll likely be prompted to install a few dependencies first.
Once the module is installed, run the following command to perform an AD health check within the PowerShell window:
Invoke-Testimo -showreport
To see these same results but in the pretty pie-chart version that was pictured earlier, go to the author’s page and scroll down to the Testimo – Extended Report section to view his script. You will need to install the PSWriteHTML module (same steps as above).
Get Started with the AD Documentation PowerShell Tool
In PowerShell, install the module from the PowerShell Gallery by running:
Install-Module PSWinDocumentation.AD -scope CurrentUser
While you could technically run the new Get-WinADDomainInformation or Get-WinADForestInformation cmdlets that you have now, it would be a lot more useful to export results to a Dashboard or Document.
Scripts to export both of these can be found on this page.
You will need to install a few extra modules to run these scripts (Dashimo, PSWinReportingV2, and Documentimo).
Good luck on your health checks and enjoy that pretty AD documentation! A big thank you to Przemysław Kłys for these modules and scripts!