Lunch and Learn: PowerShell 3
PowerShell is everywhere! With it, you can automate any task, reduce your workload, and standardize your environment! Without it, well – you can flip burgers. 🙂
We had our Lunch and Learn on April 12th. If you are wanting to learn more about PowerShell (or just refresh your memory), download the attached PowerPoint to get started! Let me know if you have any questions. Finally, be sure to post your PowerShell tasks (and scripts).
Download: PowerShell 3 Notes
Just read Stealing With Pride V1 and loved it!!! You guys need to make a comeback!
Occasionally we get a ticket Where Applocker is blocking something. It would take a while to open remote computer management look through the Applocker event log and find the error.
So I wrote a powershell script that would ask for the computer name then search for errors in the Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker events.
$Computer = Read-host “What is the computer”
get-winevent -logname “Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/*” -ComputerName $Computer | Where-Object LevelDisplayName -EQ “Error”
That is a pretty useful script! Thank you for sharing it!!