Our upcoming Lunch & Learn is just over 3 weeks away and will be hosted at the College of Coastal Georgia in Brunswick Georgia. The poll below contains the three suggestions that we had. Take a second and vote for the upcoming Lunch & Learn topic:
[poll id=”2″]
Here are the details. In the first week of November, we will send out the final details and a sign-up sheet.
Date: Friday, November 8th
Time: 12:30 – 1:30. Either eat before or bring some lunch. The training will take between 40 minutes and an hour. Like before, we can (optionally) stay extra to cover in-depth info.
Location: College of Coastal Georgia
Cost: Free! You just have to bring your own food. I’ll supply lights, chairs, running water, etc.
Topic: You Decide!
For this training, we will try to record the audio and to upload the entire training. If we are lucky – we might be able to work out a Live Meeting during the training. So if you don’t live in the South Georgia area, still take a second and vote!